12 Feb 2024

Getting started with sales automation in Pipedrive

Learn how to implement sales automation in Pipedrive to streamline your sales process, increase efficiency, and boost your team's productivity.

Sales Automation
Getting started with sales automation in Pipedrive

Introduction to Sales Automation in Pipedrive

Optimising your sales process is important for growth and success. One of the most effective ways to streamline your sales operations is through sales automation. Pipedrive, a popular customer relationship management (CRM) tool, offers robust automation features that can transform your sales workflow. Let’s explore what sales automation is, its benefits, and how Pipedrive’s capabilities can enhance your sales process.

What is sales automation?

Sales automation refers to the use of software and technology to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks in the sales process. This can include:

  • Lead capture and qualification
  • Follow-up emails and communications
  • Task assignment and scheduling
  • Data entry and management
  • Pipeline progression
  • Reporting and analytics

By automating these routine tasks, sales teams can focus more on high-value activities like building relationships with prospects and closing deals.

Benefits of sales automation for businesses

Implementing sales automation can bring numerous advantages to your organisation:

  1. Increased efficiency: Automation reduces manual data entry and repetitive tasks, allowing your team to work more efficiently.

  2. Improved accuracy: Automated processes minimise human error, ensuring more accurate data and consistent follow-ups.

  3. Enhanced customer experience: Timely and personalised communications through automation can lead to better customer satisfaction.

  4. Better lead management: Automated lead scoring and nurturing help prioritise high-potential prospects and move them through the sales funnel more effectively.

  5. Data-driven decision making: Automated reporting provides real-time insights into your sales performance, enabling more informed strategic decisions.

  6. Scalability: As your business grows, automation allows you to handle increased sales volume without a proportional increase in workforce.

  7. Consistency in sales processes: Automation ensures that all team members follow standardised procedures, maintaining consistency across your sales operations.

Overview of Pipedrive’s automation capabilities

Pipedrive offers a range of powerful automation features designed to streamline your sales process:

  • Workflow Automation: Create custom workflows that automatically trigger actions based on specific events or conditions in your pipeline.

  • Email Automation: Set up automated email sequences, follow-ups, and personalised templates to nurture leads and keep deals moving.

  • Activity Reminders: Automatically schedule follow-up tasks and receive reminders to ensure no opportunity falls through the cracks.

  • Lead Scoring: Implement automated lead scoring to prioritise high-potential prospects and focus your team’s efforts where they matter most.

  • Deal Rotting: Identify stagnant deals automatically and take proactive measures to revive or reassess them.

  • Integration Capabilities: Connect Pipedrive with other tools in your tech stack to create a seamless, automated workflow across platforms.

  • Custom Fields and Filters: Tailor Pipedrive to your specific needs with custom fields and use filters to automate data organisation and retrieval.

By leveraging these automation features, Pipedrive enables sales teams to work smarter, not harder. In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into how you can set up and maximise these automation capabilities to boost your sales performance.

Setting Up Your Pipedrive Account for Automation

Before diving into the world of sales automation with Pipedrive, you need to set up your account and configure it to match your sales process. This foundation is crucial for implementing effective automation strategies. Let’s walk through the key steps to get your Pipedrive account ready for automation.

Creating a Pipedrive account

  1. Sign up: Visit the Pipedrive website and click on the ‘Start free trial’ button. You’ll have 14 days to explore the platform before committing to a paid plan.

  2. Enter your details: Provide your name, email address, and create a strong password for your account.

  3. Choose your plan: Select the plan that best suits your needs. You can always upgrade or downgrade later.

  4. Customise your account: Answer a few questions about your business to help Pipedrive tailor your experience.

  5. Verify your email: Click the verification link sent to your email to activate your account.

Configuring your sales pipeline

A well-structured sales pipeline is the backbone of effective automation. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Identify your sales stages: List out the typical steps in your sales process, from initial contact to closing the deal.

  2. Create pipeline stages: In Pipedrive, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Pipeline’ and click ‘Add new stage’. Name each stage to match your sales process.

  3. Set stage probabilities: Assign probability percentages to each stage. This helps with forecasting and can be used in automation rules.

  4. Define deal rotting: Set time limits for deals in each stage to automatically flag stagnant opportunities.

  5. Customise fields: Add custom fields to capture information specific to your business. These can be used as triggers or conditions in your automation workflows.

  6. Set up visibility settings: Determine who can see and edit deals in different pipeline stages.

Importing existing data and contacts

To make the most of Pipedrive’s automation features, you’ll want all your data in one place. Here’s how to import your existing information:

  1. Prepare your data: Organise your contacts, deals, and other data into spreadsheets. Pipedrive provides templates you can use.

  2. Use the import tool: Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Data import’ and select the type of data you’re importing (contacts, deals, etc.).

  3. Map fields: Match the columns in your spreadsheet to the appropriate fields in Pipedrive. This ensures your data ends up in the right place.

  4. Handle duplicates: Choose how Pipedrive should handle potential duplicate entries.

  5. Run the import: Start the import process and wait for it to complete. Pipedrive will notify you once it’s done.

  6. Verify the import: Check a sample of the imported data to ensure everything has been transferred correctly.

  7. Import additional data: Repeat the process for other types of data you need to bring into Pipedrive.

By taking the time to properly set up your Pipedrive account, configure your sales pipeline, and import your existing data, you’re laying a solid foundation for effective sales automation. This groundwork will ensure that your automated workflows are aligned with your actual sales process and have access to all the necessary data.

Key Automation Features in Pipedrive

Pipedrive offers a range of powerful sales automation features designed to streamline your sales process and boost productivity. Let’s explore the key automation capabilities that can transform your sales operations.

Workflow automation

Workflow automation is the backbone of Pipedrive’s automation capabilities. It allows you to create custom, automated sequences of actions triggered by specific events or conditions. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Triggers: Define events that start an automation workflow, such as a new deal being created or a deal moving to a specific stage.
  • Actions: Set up automatic actions to occur when a trigger is activated, like assigning a task, sending an email, or updating a field.
  • Conditions: Add if-then logic to your workflows to create more complex and targeted automations.
  • Multi-step workflows: Create sequences of actions that occur over time, allowing for sophisticated nurturing processes.

Email automation

Email automation in Pipedrive helps you maintain consistent communication with prospects and clients without manual intervention:

  • Email templates: Create and save reusable email templates for common communications.
  • Personalisation: Use merge fields to automatically personalise emails with recipient details.
  • Sequence emails: Set up a series of timed emails to nurture leads or follow up on proposals.
  • Open and click tracking: Monitor email engagement to inform your follow-up strategies.
  • A/B testing: Test different email subject lines or content to optimise your communication.

Activity reminders and follow-ups

Never let an opportunity slip through the cracks with Pipedrive’s automated reminders and follow-ups:

  • Automated task creation: Set up rules to automatically create follow-up tasks based on deal stages or other criteria.
  • Smart reminders: Receive notifications for upcoming tasks or when it’s time to follow up with a prospect.
  • Calendar integration: Sync your tasks and reminders with your preferred calendar application.
  • Team notifications: Automate notifications to team members for collaborative tasks or when deals reach certain stages.

Deal rotting and lead scoring

These features help you prioritise your efforts and focus on the most promising opportunities:

Deal rotting

  • Customisable time frames: Set specific time limits for each pipeline stage.
  • Visual indicators: Deals change colour or display icons as they approach or exceed time limits.
  • Automated actions: Trigger notifications or actions when deals start to ‘rot’.

Lead scoring

  • Custom scoring rules: Define criteria that determine a lead’s value or likelihood to convert.
  • Automated score updates: Scores change automatically based on lead activities or deal progress.
  • Priority views: Easily filter and sort leads based on their scores to focus on high-potential opportunities.

By leveraging these key automation features, you can significantly enhance your sales process efficiency, ensure consistent follow-up, and focus your team’s efforts where they matter most. In the next section, we’ll walk through implementing your first automation workflow in Pipedrive.

Implementing Your First Automation Workflow

Implementing your first automation workflow in Pipedrive can significantly streamline your sales process. Let’s walk through the steps to create, test, and refine a simple yet effective automation.

Identifying repetitive tasks in your sales process

Before creating any automation, it’s crucial to identify which tasks in your sales process are ripe for automation:

  1. Audit your current process:
    • Document each step in your sales pipeline
    • Note how much time each task typically takes
    • Identify which tasks are performed frequently
  2. Look for patterns:
    • Which tasks are consistently performed for every lead or deal?
    • Are there sequences of actions that always follow specific events?
  3. Consider high-volume, low-complexity tasks:
    • Data entry or updates
    • Sending follow-up emails
    • Creating reminders for next steps
  4. Gather team input:
    • Ask your sales team which repetitive tasks they find most time-consuming
    • Identify areas where human errors commonly occur

Creating a simple workflow automation

Let’s create a basic workflow automation for sending a follow-up email and creating a task after a deal moves to a specific stage:

  1. Access Workflow Automation:
    • In Pipedrive, go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Workflow Automation’
    • Click ‘Add Workflow’
  2. Set up the trigger:
    • Choose ‘Deal moved to stage’ as the trigger
    • Select the relevant stage (e.g., ‘Proposal Sent’)
  3. Define the actions:
    • Action 1: Send Email
      • Choose an email template for follow-up
      • Set the recipient (e.g., deal contact)
    • Action 2: Create Activity
      • Set activity type (e.g., ‘Call’)
      • Add a due date (e.g., 3 days from trigger)
      • Assign to the deal owner
  4. Add conditions (optional):
    • For example, only send the email if the deal value is above a certain amount
  5. Name and activate the workflow:
    • Give your workflow a clear, descriptive name
    • Toggle the workflow to ‘Active’

Testing and refining your automation

After setting up your automation, it’s crucial to test and refine it to ensure it works as intended:

  1. Run a test:
    • Create a test deal and move it to the trigger stage
    • Check that the email is sent and the task is created as expected
  2. Monitor real-world performance:
    • Keep a close eye on the automation for the first few weeks
    • Check that emails are being sent to the right people
    • Ensure tasks are being created with correct details
  3. Gather feedback:
    • Ask your sales team about their experience with the new automation
    • Are there any unexpected issues or areas for improvement?
  4. Analyse the impact:
    • Compare the time spent on these tasks before and after automation
    • Look at any changes in follow-up consistency or response rates
  5. Refine and expand:
    • Adjust the timing, content, or conditions based on your findings
    • Consider adding more steps or creating similar workflows for other stages
  6. Document the process:
    • Keep a record of your automation setup and any changes made
    • Create guidelines for your team on how to work with the new automation

Remember, the goal of automation is to enhance, not replace, your personal touch in sales. As you become more comfortable with Pipedrive’s automation features, you can create more complex workflows to further optimise your sales process.

Advanced Automation Strategies in Pipedrive

As you become more comfortable with Pipedrive’s basic automation features, you can explore advanced strategies to further enhance your sales process. These strategies involve integrating Pipedrive with other tools, leveraging the API for custom automations, and automating your reporting and analytics.

Integrating Pipedrive with other tools

Pipedrive’s power can be amplified by connecting it with other tools in your tech stack. Here’s how to approach integrations:

  1. Identify integration opportunities:
    • List the tools your team uses regularly (e.g., email marketing platforms, accounting software, customer support systems)
    • Consider which data flows would be beneficial to automate between these tools and Pipedrive
  2. Explore Pipedrive’s native integrations:
    • Visit the Pipedrive Marketplace to find pre-built integrations
    • Popular integrations include Slack, Trello, QuickBooks, and various email marketing tools
  3. Set up key integrations:
    • For example, integrate Pipedrive with your email marketing tool to automatically add new contacts to email lists
    • Or connect with your accounting software to sync invoice data with deals
  4. Use middleware platforms:
    • Tools like Zapier or Integromat can connect Pipedrive with hundreds of other apps
    • Create multi-step workflows across different platforms
  5. Monitor and optimise integrations:
    • Regularly review your integrations to ensure they’re functioning correctly
    • Look for opportunities to refine or expand your integrated workflows

Using Pipedrive’s API for custom automations

For more advanced users or organisations with specific needs, Pipedrive’s API offers unlimited possibilities for custom automations:

  1. Understand Pipedrive’s API:
    • Review Pipedrive’s API documentation to understand its capabilities and limitations
    • Familiarise yourself with authentication methods and rate limits
  2. Identify custom automation needs:
    • Look for complex or unique processes that can’t be addressed by built-in features or integrations
    • Consider automations that would give your business a competitive edge
  3. Develop custom solutions:
    • Use the API to build custom applications or scripts that interact with your Pipedrive data
    • For example, create a custom lead scoring system based on your specific criteria
  4. Implement webhooks:
    • Use Pipedrive’s webhooks to trigger actions in external systems when certain events occur in Pipedrive
    • This allows for real-time synchronisation between Pipedrive and your other tools
  5. Ensure security and compliance:
    • When working with the API, always follow best practices for data security
    • Be mindful of data privacy regulations when transferring data between systems

Automating reporting and analytics

Leveraging Pipedrive’s capabilities to automate your reporting and analytics can provide timely insights without manual effort:

  1. Set up automated reports:
    • Use Pipedrive’s built-in reporting features to create regular reports on key metrics
    • Schedule these reports to be automatically generated and emailed to stakeholders
  2. Create custom dashboards:
    • Design dashboards that display real-time data on your most important KPIs
    • Set up different dashboards for various roles (e.g., sales reps, managers, executives)
  3. Implement predictive analytics:
    • Use Pipedrive’s AI-powered features to forecast sales and identify trends
    • Automate alerts for significant changes in pipeline value or win probability
  4. Automate data exports:
    • Set up regular automated exports of your Pipedrive data to your data warehouse or business intelligence tool
    • This allows for more advanced analysis and integration with data from other parts of your business
  5. Use API for custom analytics:
    • For more complex analytics needs, use the Pipedrive API to pull data into your preferred analytics tools
    • Create custom reports that combine Pipedrive data with information from other sources
  6. Set up automated alerts:
    • Configure alerts for important milestones or concerning trends (e.g., pipeline value dropping below a certain threshold)
    • Ensure these alerts are sent to the right people who can take action

By implementing these advanced automation strategies, you can create a highly efficient, data-driven sales process that gives your team a significant competitive advantage. Remember to regularly review and refine your automations to ensure they continue to meet your evolving business needs.

Best Practices for Sales Automation

While sales automation can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity, it’s crucial to implement it thoughtfully. Here are some best practices to ensure your automation strategy enhances rather than hinders your sales process.

Balancing automation with personal touch

Automation should complement, not replace, the human element in sales. Here’s how to strike the right balance:

  1. Identify appropriate touchpoints for automation:
    • Automate routine, repetitive tasks
    • Reserve personal interaction for high-value, complex, or sensitive communications
  2. Personalise automated communications:
    • Use merge fields to include recipient-specific information in automated emails
    • Segment your audience to ensure automated messages are relevant
  3. Monitor customer responses:
    • Pay attention to how customers react to automated communications
    • Be prepared to switch to personal interaction if automated messages aren’t well-received
  4. Use automation to enhance personal interactions:
    • Automate reminders for personal follow-ups
    • Use automated data collection to inform personalised conversations
  5. Maintain authenticity:
    • Ensure automated messages reflect your brand voice and values
    • Be transparent about automated interactions when appropriate

Training your team on automation tools

For successful implementation, your team needs to be comfortable and proficient with your automation tools:

  1. Provide comprehensive initial training:
    • Offer hands-on training sessions on Pipedrive’s automation features
    • Create step-by-step guides for common automation tasks
  2. Explain the ‘why’ behind automation:
    • Help your team understand how automation benefits them and the company
    • Address any concerns about job security or changes in responsibilities
  3. Encourage experimentation:
    • Set up a sandbox environment where team members can safely test automations
    • Reward innovative uses of automation tools
  4. Offer ongoing support:
    • Designate automation champions within the team
    • Provide resources for troubleshooting and further learning
  5. Share success stories:
    • Highlight team members who have effectively leveraged automation
    • Discuss the impact of automation on team performance in regular meetings

Regularly reviewing and optimising automations

Automation isn’t a set-and-forget solution. Regular review and optimisation are crucial:

  1. Schedule regular automation audits:
    • Review all active automations quarterly or bi-annually
    • Check for redundancies, errors, or outdated processes
  2. Monitor key performance indicators:
    • Track metrics like email open rates, response rates, and deal progression
    • Compare performance before and after implementing automations
  3. Gather feedback from your team:
    • Ask sales reps which automations are most helpful and which may need adjustment
    • Encourage ongoing suggestions for new automation opportunities
  4. Stay updated on Pipedrive features:
    • Keep an eye on Pipedrive’s update announcements for new automation capabilities
    • Regularly explore the Pipedrive Marketplace for new integrations
  5. Test and iterate:
    • A/B test different automation workflows to identify the most effective approaches
    • Make incremental changes and monitor their impact
  6. Clean your data regularly:
    • Ensure your CRM data is accurate and up-to-date
    • Remove or update outdated information that could lead to irrelevant automations
  7. Align automations with evolving business goals:
    • As your sales strategies change, adjust your automations accordingly
    • Ensure automations support current priorities and objectives
  8. Document changes and rationale:
    • Keep a log of automation changes and the reasons behind them
    • This history can inform future optimisations and onboarding of new team members

By following these best practices, you can create a robust, effective sales automation strategy that enhances your team’s capabilities without losing the personal touch that’s crucial in sales. Remember, the goal of automation is to free up your team to focus on high-value, relationship-building activities that truly drive sales success.

Measuring the Impact of Sales Automation

To ensure your sales automation efforts are delivering value, it’s crucial to measure their impact systematically. This section will guide you through the key metrics to monitor, how to leverage Pipedrive’s reporting features, and methods for calculating the return on investment (ROI) of your automation initiatives.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track

When evaluating the effectiveness of your sales automation, focus on these essential KPIs:

  1. Sales productivity metrics:
    • Number of calls/emails per rep per day
    • Time spent on administrative tasks vs. selling activities
    • Average deal close time
  2. Pipeline metrics:
    • Number of new leads generated
    • Lead conversion rate
    • Pipeline velocity (how quickly leads move through the pipeline)
  3. Revenue metrics:
    • Total revenue
    • Average deal size
    • Win rate
  4. Customer engagement metrics:
    • Email open and click-through rates
    • Response rates to automated communications
    • Customer satisfaction scores
  5. Data quality metrics:
    • Completeness of contact and deal records
    • Data accuracy and consistency
  6. Team adoption metrics:
    • Usage rates of automation features
    • Compliance with automated workflows

Using Pipedrive’s reporting features

Pipedrive offers robust reporting capabilities to help you track these KPIs:

  1. Dashboard customisation:
    • Create custom dashboards focusing on your key automation metrics
    • Use widgets to display real-time data on important KPIs
  2. Sales reports:
    • Utilise Pipedrive’s sales reports to track changes in deal progression, win rates, and revenue before and after implementing automations
  3. Activity reports:
    • Monitor changes in activity levels and types to assess how automation has impacted your team’s daily operations
  4. Email performance reports:
    • Analyse the effectiveness of your automated email campaigns using Pipedrive’s email tracking features
  5. Pipeline reports:
    • Track changes in pipeline velocity and conversion rates at each stage
  6. Custom fields reports:
    • Create reports based on custom fields you’ve set up to track automation-specific metrics
  7. Scheduled reports:
    • Set up automated report generation and distribution to ensure regular review of key metrics

Calculating ROI on your automation efforts

To determine the return on investment of your sales automation initiatives:

  1. Identify costs:
    • Direct costs: Pipedrive subscription fees, costs of additional tools or integrations
    • Indirect costs: Time spent setting up and maintaining automations, training costs
  2. Quantify time savings:
    • Estimate hours saved per week due to automation
    • Multiply by average hourly rate of sales reps to calculate labour cost savings
  3. Measure revenue impact:
    • Compare revenue before and after implementing automation
    • Factor in improvements in win rates and deal sizes
  4. Calculate efficiency gains:
    • Assess increase in number of leads handled per rep
    • Quantify reduction in lead response time and its impact on conversion rates
  5. Evaluate quality improvements:
    • Measure reduction in data entry errors
    • Assess improvement in customer satisfaction scores
  6. Use this formula to calculate ROI: ROI = (Gains from automation - Cost of automation) / Cost of automation * 100

  7. Consider long-term benefits:
    • Factor in scalability: how automation allows for handling increased sales volume without proportional increase in costs
    • Consider the value of improved data for decision-making
  8. Create a comprehensive ROI report:
    • Compile all metrics into a clear, concise report
    • Include both quantitative data and qualitative feedback from the sales team
  9. Review ROI regularly:
    • Calculate ROI quarterly or bi-annually
    • Use insights to refine your automation strategy continually

Remember, while some benefits of automation are easily quantifiable, others, such as improved team morale or enhanced customer experience, may be harder to measure but are equally important. Consider both tangible and intangible benefits when assessing the overall impact of your sales automation efforts.

By diligently tracking these metrics and calculating ROI, you can ensure that your sales automation strategy in Pipedrive is delivering real value to your organisation. Use these insights to continually refine and improve your approach, maximising the benefits of automation for your sales process.


As we wrap up our comprehensive guide to getting started with sales automation in Pipedrive, let’s recap the key points and look at the next steps for advancing your sales automation strategy.

Recap of key points

  1. Understanding sales automation:
    • Sales automation streamlines repetitive tasks, allowing your team to focus on high-value activities.
    • Pipedrive offers robust automation features to enhance efficiency and productivity.
  2. Setting up Pipedrive for automation:
    • Proper account setup and pipeline configuration are crucial for effective automation.
    • Importing existing data accurately sets the foundation for automated processes.
  3. Key automation features:
    • Workflow automation, email automation, activity reminders, and deal rotting are powerful tools in Pipedrive.
    • These features can significantly streamline your sales process when used effectively.
  4. Implementing automation workflows:
    • Start by identifying repetitive tasks in your sales process.
    • Create simple workflows first, then test and refine them before expanding.
  5. Advanced automation strategies:
    • Integrating Pipedrive with other tools can create a more comprehensive automation ecosystem.
    • Pipedrive’s API allows for custom automations tailored to your specific needs.
  6. Best practices:
    • Balance automation with personal touch to maintain authentic customer relationships.
    • Provide thorough training and encourage team adoption of automation tools.
    • Regularly review and optimise your automations to ensure ongoing effectiveness.
  7. Measuring impact:
    • Track key performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of your automation efforts.
    • Utilise Pipedrive’s reporting features for in-depth analysis.
    • Calculate ROI to justify and refine your automation investments.

Next steps for advancing your sales automation strategy

  1. Conduct a comprehensive audit:
    • Review your current sales process to identify additional automation opportunities.
    • Gather feedback from your team on areas where they feel automation could help.
  2. Develop an automation roadmap:
    • Create a phased plan for implementing more advanced automations.
    • Prioritise automations based on potential impact and ease of implementation.
  3. Explore advanced Pipedrive features:
    • Dive deeper into Pipedrive’s advanced automation capabilities, such as custom fields and filters.
    • Consider using Pipedrive’s AI-powered features for lead scoring and sales forecasting.
  4. Enhance integrations:
    • Evaluate your current tech stack and look for opportunities to create more seamless integrations with Pipedrive.
    • Consider using middleware platforms like Zapier to create more complex, multi-app workflows.
  5. Invest in continuous learning:
    • Stay updated on new Pipedrive features and best practices through their resources and community forums.
    • Consider advanced training or certification for key team members.
  6. Refine your data strategy:
    • Implement processes to ensure high-quality data input, which is crucial for effective automation.
    • Use automation to maintain data hygiene and enrich customer profiles.
  7. Personalise at scale:
    • Develop strategies to use automation for delivering personalised experiences to a larger customer base.
    • Experiment with dynamic content in your automated communications.
  8. Foster a culture of automation:
    • Encourage team members to identify and suggest new automation opportunities.
    • Celebrate automation wins and share success stories across the organisation.
  9. Continuously measure and optimise:
    • Establish a regular cadence for reviewing automation performance and ROI.
    • Be prepared to adjust or retire automations that aren’t delivering value.
  10. Plan for scalability:
    • Ensure your automation strategy can accommodate business growth.
    • Consider how automations might need to evolve as your sales process matures.

Remember, sales automation is not a one-time setup but an ongoing process of refinement and optimisation. By continually advancing your automation strategy, you can create a more efficient, effective, and scalable sales process that drives growth for your business.

As you move forward, keep the balance between automation and personalisation at the forefront of your strategy. The goal is to use automation to enhance, not replace, the human touch in your sales process. With Pipedrive’s powerful features and your strategic approach, you’re well-equipped to take your sales automation to the next level.

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