23 Aug 2024

What is server side tracking and why is it important?

Learn about server-side tracking, its importance in modern web analytics, and how it addresses challenges posed by third-party cookie blocking and ad blockers.

lead automation
What is server side tracking and why is it important?

Introduction to Server-Side Tracking

Server-side tracking is becoming increasingly important in the world of web analytics and digital marketing. As privacy concerns grow and technology evolves, businesses need to adapt their tracking methods to ensure accurate data collection while respecting user privacy. This section will explore the concept of server-side tracking, compare it with traditional client-side tracking, and discuss why it’s becoming a crucial solution for modern businesses.

Definition of server-side tracking

Server-side tracking refers to the process of collecting and processing user data on a web server rather than in a user’s browser. When a user interacts with a website or app, instead of sending data directly from their device to various analytics and marketing platforms, the information is first sent to a server. This server then processes the data and forwards it to the appropriate destinations.

Key points of server-side tracking:

  • Data collection occurs on the server, not the user’s device
  • Provides more control over data processing and distribution
  • Reduces reliance on client-side scripts and cookies

Comparison with client-side tracking

To understand the significance of server-side tracking, it’s essential to compare it with the more traditional client-side tracking method:

Client-side tracking:

  • Runs directly in the user’s browser
  • Relies heavily on JavaScript and cookies
  • Data is sent directly from the user’s device to various platforms
  • More susceptible to ad blockers and browser restrictions

Server-side tracking:

  • Processes data on a server before distribution
  • Less reliant on browser-based technologies
  • Can bypass ad blockers and cookie restrictions
  • Offers more flexibility in data handling and privacy compliance

The growing need for server-side solutions

Several factors are driving the increasing adoption of server-side tracking:

  1. Privacy regulations: Laws like GDPR and CCPA require more stringent data handling practices.

  2. Browser restrictions: Major browsers are limiting or blocking third-party cookies, affecting traditional tracking methods.

  3. Ad blockers: The rise of ad-blocking technology is hampering client-side tracking effectiveness.

  4. Data accuracy: Server-side tracking can provide more reliable and consistent data collection.

  5. Performance: Reducing client-side scripts can improve website load times and user experience.

As these challenges continue to evolve, server-side tracking is becoming an essential tool for businesses looking to maintain accurate analytics and effective marketing strategies while adhering to privacy standards and technical limitations.

The Challenges of Traditional Tracking Methods

Traditional tracking methods, primarily relying on client-side technologies, have been the backbone of web analytics and digital marketing for years. However, these methods are facing increasing challenges that limit their effectiveness and reliability. This section explores the key issues affecting traditional tracking approaches.

Third-party cookies have long been a crucial tool for tracking user behaviour across different websites. However, their use is rapidly declining due to several factors:

  • Browser restrictions: Major browsers like Safari and Firefox have already implemented third-party cookie blocking by default. Google Chrome, the most widely used browser, plans to phase out third-party cookies by 2024.

  • Impact on tracking: The loss of third-party cookies significantly affects cross-site tracking, retargeting, and attribution models.

  • Limited user profiles: Without third-party cookies, it becomes more challenging to build comprehensive user profiles across multiple domains.

Rise of ad blockers and their impact

Ad-blocking technology has gained significant popularity among internet users, presenting a major challenge for traditional tracking methods:

  • Widespread adoption: As of 2023, it’s estimated that over 40% of internet users employ some form of ad-blocking technology.

  • Blocking scripts: Many ad blockers not only hide advertisements but also prevent tracking scripts from loading, including those used for analytics.

  • Data gaps: The use of ad blockers can lead to significant gaps in data collection, potentially skewing analytics results and campaign performance metrics.

Privacy concerns and regulations

Growing awareness of data privacy issues has led to the implementation of stricter regulations, impacting how businesses can collect and use user data:

  • GDPR and CCPA: Regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the US mandate more transparent and controlled data collection practices.

  • User consent requirements: Many jurisdictions now require explicit user consent for data collection, making it more challenging to gather comprehensive data.

  • Data minimisation: Privacy regulations often require businesses to collect only necessary data, limiting the scope of traditional tracking methods.

  • Right to be forgotten: Users’ ability to request data deletion poses challenges for long-term data retention and analysis.

These challenges highlight the limitations of traditional, client-side tracking methods in the current digital landscape. As a result, many businesses are exploring alternative approaches, such as server-side tracking, to maintain effective analytics and marketing strategies while addressing these issues.

Benefits of Server-Side Tracking

Server-side tracking offers several significant advantages over traditional client-side methods. These benefits address many of the challenges faced by modern digital marketers and analysts, providing a more robust and future-proof solution for data collection and analysis.

Improved data accuracy and reliability

Server-side tracking significantly enhances the accuracy and reliability of collected data:

  • Consistent data collection: Server-side tracking is less affected by browser variations, ensuring more consistent data across different platforms and devices.

  • Reduced data loss: By bypassing client-side limitations, server-side tracking minimises data loss due to ad blockers or browser restrictions.

  • More control over data: With server-side processing, businesses have greater control over what data is collected and how it’s formatted before being sent to various platforms.

Enhanced privacy and security

Privacy and security are paramount in today’s digital landscape. Server-side tracking offers several improvements in this area:

  • Data anonymisation: Sensitive information can be anonymised or removed on the server before being sent to third-party services.

  • Reduced exposure: By processing data on the server, less sensitive information is exposed in the client’s browser, reducing the risk of data interception.

  • Compliance friendly: Server-side tracking makes it easier to comply with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA by providing more control over data handling and user consent management.

Better performance and faster page load times

Server-side tracking can significantly improve website performance:

  • Reduced client-side scripts: With less code running in the user’s browser, pages load faster and perform better.

  • Lower bandwidth usage: Server-side tracking reduces the amount of data transferred between the user’s browser and tracking servers.

  • Improved user experience: Faster load times and smoother performance lead to a better overall user experience, which can positively impact engagement and conversion rates.

One of the most significant advantages of server-side tracking is its ability to circumvent common tracking obstacles:

  • Ad blocker resistance: Since tracking occurs on the server, it’s much more difficult for ad blockers to interfere with data collection.

  • Cookie independence: Server-side tracking reduces reliance on cookies, making it more effective in environments where cookies are restricted or blocked.

  • First-party data focus: By emphasising first-party data collection, server-side tracking aligns with the industry’s shift away from third-party cookies.

Server-side tracking provides a robust solution to many of the challenges facing digital analytics and marketing. By improving data accuracy, enhancing privacy, boosting performance, and overcoming common tracking obstacles, it offers a more resilient and effective approach to understanding user behaviour and measuring campaign performance.

Implementing Server-Side Tracking

Implementing server-side tracking requires a shift in approach from traditional client-side methods. This section explores the basics of server-side tagging, popular platforms that support this method, and how tools like Stape.io can simplify the implementation process.

Server-side tagging basics

Server-side tagging involves setting up a server to handle data collection and distribution instead of relying solely on the user’s browser. Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. Data collection: The website or app sends data to a server-side endpoint.
  2. Data processing: The server processes the received data, applying any necessary transformations or filters.
  3. Data distribution: The processed data is sent to various analytics and marketing platforms.

Key components of server-side tagging:

  • Server-side container: A virtual environment that hosts and manages tracking tags.
  • Server-side endpoints: URLs that receive data from the client.
  • Server-side tags: Code snippets that define how data should be processed and distributed.

Several major platforms now offer server-side tracking capabilities:

Google Tag Manager Server-Side

  • Allows creation and management of server-side containers.
  • Integrates seamlessly with existing Google Tag Manager setups.
  • Supports custom templates for various marketing and analytics tools.

Facebook Conversions API

  • Enables server-side event tracking for Facebook Ads.
  • Improves data accuracy and ad performance.
  • Works in conjunction with the Facebook pixel for a hybrid tracking approach.

Adobe Experience Platform Launch Server Side

  • Part of Adobe’s Experience Platform.
  • Offers server-side data collection and distribution.
  • Integrates with other Adobe analytics and marketing tools.

Stape.io: Simplifying server-side implementation

Stape.io is a platform designed to make server-side tracking more accessible and manageable:

  • Easy setup: Stape.io simplifies the process of setting up server-side tracking, reducing the technical barrier to entry.

  • Pre-built templates: Offers a range of GTM (Google Tag Manager) templates for popular marketing and analytics platforms, available on their GitHub repository.

  • Google Tag Manager integration: Works seamlessly with Google Tag Manager, allowing for easier migration from client-side to server-side tracking.

  • Cost-effective: Provides a more affordable solution compared to setting up and maintaining your own server infrastructure.

  • Scalability: Designed to handle varying loads, from small websites to large-scale applications.

By leveraging tools like Stape.io, businesses can more easily adopt server-side tracking, benefiting from improved data accuracy and privacy compliance without requiring extensive technical resources.

Server-Side Tracking for Major Analytics Platforms

As the digital landscape evolves, major analytics and advertising platforms are adapting to support server-side tracking. This section explores how some of the most popular platforms are implementing server-side solutions and the benefits they offer.

Google Analytics 4 and server-side tracking

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has been designed with server-side tracking capabilities in mind:

  • Measurement Protocol: GA4’s Measurement Protocol allows for server-side event tracking, providing a more flexible way to send data.

  • Enhanced data control: Server-side tracking in GA4 offers greater control over what data is collected and how it’s processed before being sent to Google’s servers.

  • Improved accuracy: By bypassing client-side obstacles, GA4’s server-side tracking can provide more accurate and consistent data.

  • Integration with Google Tag Manager: GA4 works seamlessly with Google Tag Manager’s server-side containers, allowing for a unified tracking setup.

Facebook Conversion API

Facebook’s Conversion API (CAPI) is a server-side solution designed to improve the accuracy and reliability of Facebook ad tracking:

  • Direct server communication: CAPI allows businesses to send web and offline events directly from their servers to Facebook.

  • Improved data accuracy: By bypassing browser limitations, CAPI can capture events that might be missed by the Facebook pixel alone.

  • Enhanced privacy: Server-side implementation gives businesses more control over the data sent to Facebook, helping with privacy compliance.

  • Hybrid approach: Facebook recommends using CAPI in conjunction with the pixel for optimal performance and data completeness.

TikTok Events API

TikTok’s Events API provides a server-side solution for tracking user interactions and conversions:

  • Server-to-server tracking: Similar to Facebook’s CAPI, TikTok’s Events API allows for direct server-to-server communication.

  • Improved tracking reliability: The Events API helps overcome issues related to ad blockers and browser restrictions.

  • Enhanced measurement: By combining pixel data with server-side events, TikTok can provide more comprehensive performance insights.

  • Privacy-focused: Server-side implementation offers greater control over data sharing, aligning with privacy regulations.

Other platforms embracing server-side solutions

Many other analytics and advertising platforms are also moving towards server-side tracking solutions:

  • LinkedIn Conversions API: Allows for server-side conversion tracking, improving attribution for LinkedIn ad campaigns.

  • Snap Conversions API: Snapchat’s server-side solution for more accurate conversion tracking and audience building.

  • Pinterest Conversions API: Enables server-to-server tracking for Pinterest ad campaigns, enhancing measurement capabilities.

As server-side tracking becomes more prevalent, tools like Stape.io are emerging to simplify the implementation process across multiple platforms. These solutions provide pre-built templates and integrations, making it easier for businesses to adopt server-side tracking without extensive technical resources.

By embracing server-side tracking, these major platforms are addressing the challenges posed by increased privacy regulations, browser restrictions, and ad blockers. This shift not only improves data accuracy and reliability but also provides businesses with more control over their data collection and processing practices.

Best Practices for Server-Side Tracking

Implementing server-side tracking requires careful planning and execution to ensure optimal performance, compliance, and data accuracy. This section outlines key best practices to consider when adopting server-side tracking solutions.

Data governance and compliance

Proper data governance is crucial for maintaining trust and adhering to privacy regulations:

  • Data minimisation: Collect only the data necessary for your business objectives. Avoid over-collection to reduce privacy risks and compliance burdens.

  • Data anonymisation: Where possible, anonymise or pseudonymise personal data before processing or storing it.

  • Consent management: Implement robust consent mechanisms to ensure user preferences are respected across all tracking methods.

  • Data retention policies: Establish clear policies for how long data is kept and ensure timely deletion when it’s no longer needed.

  • Access controls: Limit access to collected data on a need-to-know basis within your organisation.

  • Documentation: Maintain detailed records of your data collection and processing activities to demonstrate compliance with relevant regulations.

Balancing client-side and server-side tracking

While server-side tracking offers many benefits, a hybrid approach can often yield the best results:

  • Identify critical events: Determine which events are most crucial for your business and prioritise these for server-side tracking.

  • Use client-side for real-time interactions: Maintain some client-side tracking for scenarios requiring immediate user feedback or personalisation.

  • Implement fallback mechanisms: Design your tracking setup to fall back to client-side methods if server-side tracking fails.

  • Harmonise data collection: Ensure consistency between client-side and server-side data collection to maintain data integrity.

  • Performance monitoring: Regularly assess the impact of your tracking setup on site performance and user experience.

Testing and validation strategies

Thorough testing is essential to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your server-side tracking implementation:

  • Parallel testing: Run server-side and client-side tracking in parallel initially to compare results and identify discrepancies.

  • Data audits: Regularly audit your collected data to ensure it aligns with your expectations and business requirements.

  • Cross-platform verification: Validate data consistency across different analytics and marketing platforms.

  • Simulated environments: Use test environments to simulate various user scenarios and verify tracking accuracy.

  • A/B testing: Implement A/B tests to compare the effectiveness of different tracking configurations.

  • Monitoring and alerting: Set up monitoring systems to detect anomalies or failures in your tracking setup promptly.

  • User journey testing: Conduct end-to-end tests of common user journeys to ensure all important touchpoints are tracked correctly.

  • Privacy compliance checks: Regularly review your tracking setup to ensure ongoing compliance with privacy regulations.

By following these best practices, businesses can maximise the benefits of server-side tracking while maintaining data accuracy, user privacy, and regulatory compliance. Remember that server-side tracking is an evolving field, and staying informed about new developments and continuously refining your approach is key to long-term success.

Future of Web Analytics and Tracking

The landscape of web analytics and tracking is rapidly evolving, driven by changes in technology, user expectations, and regulatory requirements. This section explores the future trends and challenges in this field and how businesses can prepare for the changes ahead.

Evolving privacy landscape

The privacy landscape continues to shift, with significant implications for web analytics and tracking:

  • Stricter regulations: Expect more comprehensive privacy laws to emerge globally, following the lead of GDPR and CCPA.

  • User empowerment: Users will likely gain more control over their data, with enhanced rights to access, correct, and delete information.

  • Privacy by design: Analytics and tracking solutions will need to incorporate privacy considerations from the ground up, rather than as an afterthought.

  • Increased scrutiny: Businesses may face more frequent audits and higher penalties for non-compliance with privacy regulations.

  • Transparency demands: There will be growing pressure for organisations to be more transparent about their data collection and usage practices.

New technologies and approaches are shaping the future of web analytics and tracking:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and ML will play a larger role in data analysis, offering more sophisticated insights and predictive capabilities.

  • Edge computing: Processing data closer to the source could provide faster insights while addressing some privacy concerns.

  • Blockchain for data management: Blockchain technology may be used to enhance data security and provide more transparent audit trails.

  • Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs): Expect growth in technologies that enable data analysis while preserving individual privacy, such as federated learning and homomorphic encryption.

  • First-party data focus: Businesses will increasingly prioritise first-party data collection and analysis as third-party data becomes less available.

  • Cross-device tracking evolution: New methods for tracking user journeys across multiple devices will emerge, focusing on privacy-compliant approaches.

Preparing for a cookieless future

As third-party cookies are phased out, businesses need to adapt their tracking and analytics strategies:

  • First-party data strategies: Develop robust strategies for collecting and leveraging first-party data, including loyalty programs and account-based systems.

  • Contextual targeting: Shift focus towards contextual targeting methods that don’t rely on individual user data.

  • Privacy-safe identifiers: Explore and adopt privacy-safe alternatives to third-party cookies, such as hashed email addresses or unified ID solutions.

  • Server-side tracking adoption: Accelerate the adoption of server-side tracking to reduce reliance on client-side cookies.

  • Data clean rooms: Utilise data clean room technologies to analyse data from multiple sources without compromising user privacy.

  • Consent-driven personalisation: Develop personalisation strategies that respect user preferences and rely on explicit consent.

  • Measurement recalibration: Adjust attribution models and measurement frameworks to account for the loss of cross-site tracking capabilities.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, businesses must stay agile and adapt their analytics and tracking strategies. By focusing on privacy-centric approaches, leveraging emerging technologies, and preparing for a cookieless future, organisations can continue to gain valuable insights while respecting user privacy and adhering to regulatory requirements.

The future of web analytics and tracking will require a delicate balance between data-driven decision making and privacy protection. Those who can navigate this complex landscape effectively will be well-positioned to thrive in the evolving digital ecosystem.


As we’ve explored throughout this article, server-side tracking represents a significant shift in how businesses collect, process, and utilise data for analytics and marketing purposes. This conclusion summarises the key benefits of server-side tracking, emphasises the importance of adapting to new methodologies, and provides guidance for businesses considering this approach.

Recap of server-side tracking benefits

Server-side tracking offers several advantages over traditional client-side methods:

  • Improved data accuracy and reliability
  • Enhanced privacy and security measures
  • Better website performance and faster page load times
  • Ability to overcome ad blockers and cookie restrictions
  • Greater control over data collection and processing
  • Improved compliance with privacy regulations
  • More flexible and scalable tracking infrastructure

These benefits position server-side tracking as a robust solution to many of the challenges facing modern digital analytics and marketing.

The importance of adapting to new tracking methodologies

Adapting to new tracking methodologies like server-side tracking is crucial for several reasons:

  • Evolving privacy landscape: As privacy regulations become more stringent, businesses need tracking methods that offer greater control and compliance.

  • Changing technology: With the phasing out of third-party cookies and increased use of ad blockers, traditional tracking methods are becoming less effective.

  • User expectations: Consumers are increasingly aware of and concerned about data privacy, making it essential for businesses to adopt more privacy-friendly tracking methods.

  • Competitive advantage: Early adopters of advanced tracking methodologies can gain valuable insights and optimise their strategies more effectively than competitors.

  • Future-proofing: By embracing new tracking methodologies now, businesses can better prepare for future changes in the digital landscape.

Next steps for businesses considering server-side tracking

For businesses looking to implement server-side tracking, consider the following steps:

  1. Assess current tracking setup: Evaluate your existing tracking infrastructure and identify areas where server-side tracking could provide improvements.

  2. Set clear objectives: Define what you hope to achieve with server-side tracking, whether it’s improved data accuracy, better privacy compliance, or enhanced performance.

  3. Choose the right tools: Research and select server-side tracking tools that align with your business needs and technical capabilities.

  4. Plan for implementation: Develop a comprehensive implementation plan, including timelines, resource allocation, and potential challenges.

  5. Start with a pilot: Begin with a small-scale implementation to test the effectiveness and identify any issues before full deployment.

  6. Train your team: Ensure your analytics and marketing teams are well-versed in server-side tracking concepts and best practices.

  7. Monitor and optimise: Continuously monitor the performance of your server-side tracking setup and make adjustments as needed.

  8. Stay informed: Keep abreast of developments in server-side tracking and related technologies to ensure your approach remains current and effective.

By taking these steps and embracing server-side tracking, businesses can position themselves at the forefront of digital analytics and marketing, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the evolving digital landscape.

In conclusion, while the transition to server-side tracking may require effort and resources, the long-term benefits in terms of data quality, privacy compliance, and strategic insights make it a worthy investment for forward-thinking businesses. We recommend Stape.io for hosting your server containers as it’s just so simple.

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