SMS Magic consultants

We can help you implement and integrate SMS Magic with hundreds of other systems to improve efficiency and productivity. Get in touch if you'd like to discuss implemeting SMS Magic.

 integration consultants
Osher Digital Business Process Automation Experts Australia Osher Digital Business Process Automation Experts Australia Osher Digital Business Process Automation Experts Australia

About SMS Magic

SMS Magic is a powerful text messaging platform designed for businesses to enhance their communication and engagement with customers. It offers a comprehensive suite of features for SMS, WhatsApp, and other messaging channels, enabling companies to automate their messaging workflows, conduct marketing campaigns, and provide customer support. The platform integrates seamlessly with various CRM systems, making it an ideal solution for sales and marketing teams to improve lead nurturing and customer relationships. SMS Magic supports both one-to-one and bulk messaging, with advanced features like personalization, scheduling, and analytics to optimize messaging strategies.

How it works

We work hand-in-hand with you to implement SMS Magic

As SMS Magic consultants we work with you hand in hand to ensure a seamless transition to more efficient and effective operations, with tangible results. Here's how we will work with you to implement and integrate SMS Magic with 800+ other software tools.

Business process workflow

Process audit

We start by thoroughly analysing your current workflows to pinpoint inefficiencies and bottlenecks, gathering crucial data to understand the challenges your team faces.


Identify automation opportunities

Our experts determine which tasks can be automated to maximise impact, focusing on potential business impact, cost savings, and efficiency improvements.


Design workflows

We create detailed process maps and step-by-step guides to ensure clear and efficient workflows, documenting key decision points and data inputs.



We select the right automation tools and software, ensuring seamless integration with your existing systems, and tailor workflows to meet your specific business needs.


Quality assurance review

Through rigorous testing and continuous monitoring, we ensure everything runs smoothly, making necessary adjustments based on performance data and feedback.


Support and maintenance

Our support doesn't end with the project. We provide ongoing maintenance, updates, and training to ensure your automated processes remain efficient and effective.

Let's transform your business

Unlock hidden efficiencies, reduce errors, and position your business for scalable growth. Contact us to arrange a no-obligation SMS Magic consultation.

Get In Touch

Results you can expect

Businesses like you that embrace automation see significant improvements in productivity, efficiency, and employee satisfaction.


Productivity increase


Cost savings


Reduction in manual work


Satisaction with automation

Osher Digital Business Process Automation Experts Australia Osher Digital Business Process Automation Experts Australia

The team helped us automate our lead acquisition and sales process so we know what works and what doesn't.

Nicola Hunter testimonial

Nicola Hunter

Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications, Monarch Medical Technologies
Osher Digital Business Process Automation Experts Australia

Let's transform your business

Get in touch for a free consultation to see how we can automate your operations and increase your productivity.