14 Jul 2024

How to Host n8n on Fly.io

Learn how to easily deploy and host your n8n workflow automation platform on Fly.io, a modern cloud hosting service. Step-by-step guide included.

How to Host n8n on Fly.io

Introduction to n8n and Fly.io

In the world of workflow automation and cloud hosting, two powerful tools have emerged to simplify processes for developers and businesses alike: n8n and Fly.io. This article explores how these technologies can work together to create a robust, scalable automation solution.

What is n8n?

n8n (pronounced “n-eight-n”) is an extendable workflow automation tool that allows you to connect various services and applications. It’s designed to be:

  • Open-source: The core of n8n is available under a fair-code distribution model, allowing for transparency and community contributions.
  • Self-hosted: Unlike many automation platforms, n8n can be installed on your own infrastructure, giving you full control over your data and workflows.
  • Flexible: With support for over 200 nodes (pre-built integrations), n8n can connect almost any service or API.
  • User-friendly: Its visual interface makes it easy to design complex workflows without extensive coding knowledge.

n8n empowers users to automate repetitive tasks, integrate disparate systems, and build custom applications with ease.

What is Fly.io?

Fly.io is a platform for running full-stack applications and databases close to your users. Key features include:

  • Global deployment: Fly.io allows you to deploy your applications to multiple datacentres worldwide, reducing latency for your users.
  • Container-based: It uses Docker containers, making it easy to deploy any application that can run in a container.
  • Developer-friendly: With its simple CLI and straightforward configuration, Fly.io streamlines the deployment process.
  • Scalable: Fly.io can automatically scale your application based on demand.

Fly.io simplifies the process of deploying and running applications globally, without the complexity typically associated with distributed systems.

Benefits of hosting n8n on Fly.io

Combining n8n with Fly.io offers several advantages:

  1. Global availability: Deploy your n8n instance closer to your users or integrated services, reducing latency and improving performance.

  2. Scalability: Easily scale your n8n workflows as your automation needs grow, without managing complex infrastructure.

  3. Cost-effective: Fly.io’s pricing model can be more economical than traditional cloud providers, especially for smaller deployments.

  4. Simplified deployment: Fly.io’s container-based approach makes deploying and updating your n8n instance straightforward.

  5. High availability: Leverage Fly.io’s global infrastructure to ensure your automation workflows are always accessible.

  6. Customisation: Maintain full control over your n8n environment, including the ability to use custom nodes and integrations.

  7. Security: Keep your workflows and data secure with Fly.io’s built-in SSL and the ability to run in your own private network.

By hosting n8n on Fly.io, you can create a powerful, globally distributed automation platform that’s easy to manage and scale. In the following sections, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up and deploying your n8n instance on Fly.io, enabling you to harness the full potential of both technologies.


Before we dive into hosting n8n on Fly.io, it’s essential to ensure you have all the necessary accounts, tools, and a properly configured local environment. This preparation will streamline the deployment process and help you avoid potential roadblocks.

Required accounts and tools

To successfully host n8n on Fly.io, you’ll need the following:

  1. Fly.io account: Sign up for a free account at fly.io. You’ll use this to deploy and manage your n8n instance.

  2. GitHub account: While not strictly necessary for deployment, a GitHub account is useful for version control and accessing n8n’s open-source repository.

  3. Docker: Install Docker on your local machine. Docker is used to create a container for your n8n application, which Fly.io will then deploy.

  4. Node.js and npm: Install the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of Node.js, which includes npm (Node Package Manager). n8n is built on Node.js, and you’ll need these to run n8n locally and manage dependencies.

  5. Git: Install Git for version control and easy cloning of repositories.

  6. Text editor or IDE: Choose a code editor you’re comfortable with, such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom.

Setting up your local environment

With the required accounts created and tools installed, follow these steps to set up your local environment:

  1. Verify installations: Open a terminal or command prompt and check that your tools are correctly installed:

    docker --version
    node --version
    npm --version
    git --version

    Each command should return a version number without errors.

  2. Create a project directory: Choose a location on your computer for your n8n project and create a new directory:

    mkdir n8n-fly-project
    cd n8n-fly-project
  3. Initialise a Git repository (optional but recommended):

    git init
  4. Install n8n locally: While we’ll be deploying n8n to Fly.io, it’s useful to have a local installation for testing:

    npm install n8n
  5. Create a .gitignore file: This file tells Git which files to ignore. Create a file named .gitignore in your project directory and add the following:

  6. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in your project directory. This file will store sensitive information and configuration details:

    touch .env

    We’ll add specific variables to this file later in the process.

  7. Install the Fly.io CLI: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system from the Fly.io documentation.

  8. Log in to Fly.io: Once the Fly.io CLI is installed, authenticate your account:

    fly auth login

    This will open a browser window for you to log in to your Fly.io account.

With these prerequisites in place, your local environment is now set up and ready for deploying n8n to Fly.io. In the next section, we’ll prepare the n8n application for deployment by creating the necessary configuration files.

Preparing Your n8n Application

Before deploying n8n to Fly.io, we need to configure the application and create a Dockerfile. These steps ensure that n8n runs smoothly in a containerised environment and can be easily deployed to Fly.io’s infrastructure.

Configuring n8n for deployment

  1. Create a configuration file: In your project directory, create a file named config.json:

    touch config.json
  2. Add basic configuration: Open config.json in your text editor and add the following content:

      "database": {
        "type": "sqlite",
        "tablePrefix": "n8n_"
      "executions": {
        "saveDataOnError": "all"
      "generic": {
        "timezone": "Australia/Sydney"

    This configuration uses SQLite as the database (which is suitable for testing and small deployments) and sets the timezone to Sydney. Adjust the timezone as needed for your location.

  3. Environment variables: Update your .env file with the following variables:


    Replace your-app-name with your chosen Fly.io app name and your-secret-encryption-key with a strong, random string.

  4. Create a start script: In your project root, create a file named start.sh:

    n8n start

    This script will be used to start n8n in the Docker container.

Creating a Dockerfile for n8n

The Dockerfile defines how to build the container image for your n8n application. Create a file named Dockerfile in your project root and add the following content:

FROM n8nio/n8n:latest

COPY config.json /home/node/.n8n/config.json
COPY .env /home/node/.n8n/.env
COPY start.sh /start.sh

RUN chmod +x /start.sh

CMD ["/start.sh"]

This Dockerfile does the following:

  1. Uses the official n8n image as a base
  2. Copies your configuration files into the container
  3. Sets up a start script to run n8n

With these preparations complete, your n8n application is now ready for deployment to Fly.io. In the next section, we’ll walk through the process of deploying your configured n8n instance.

Remember, if you encounter any difficulties during this process or need expert assistance with your n8n workflows, you can always seek help from experienced n8n consultants who can provide tailored solutions for your automation needs.

Deploying n8n on Fly.io

With your n8n application prepared, it’s time to deploy it on Fly.io. This section will guide you through the process of using the Fly CLI to initialise, configure, and deploy your n8n instance.

Installing the Fly CLI

If you haven’t already installed the Fly CLI as part of the prerequisites, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Fly.io installation page and follow the instructions for your operating system.

  2. Once installed, open a terminal and verify the installation:

    fly version
  3. Log in to your Fly.io account:

    fly auth login

    This command will open a browser window for you to authenticate.

Initialising your Fly.io application

  1. In your terminal, navigate to your n8n project directory.

  2. Run the following command to initialise your Fly.io application:

    fly launch
  3. Follow the prompts:

    • Choose a unique app name (this will be part of your app’s URL)
    • Select the region closest to you or your users
    • When asked if you want to set up a PostgreSQL database, choose ‘No’ for now (we’ll use SQLite for this example)
    • When asked about deploying now, choose ‘No’ as we need to configure the app first

This process creates a fly.toml file in your project directory, which contains the configuration for your Fly.io application.

Configuring your Fly.io application

  1. Open the fly.toml file in your text editor.

  2. Update the file to include the following configurations:

    app = "your-app-name"
      dockerfile = "Dockerfile"
      PORT = "5678"
      internal_port = 5678
      force_https = true
      auto_stop_machines = true
      auto_start_machines = true
      min_machines_running = 0
      source = "n8n_data"
      destination = "/home/node/.n8n"

    Replace your-app-name with the name you chose during initialisation.

  3. Create a volume for persistent storage:

    fly volumes create n8n_data --size 1

    This creates a 1GB volume to store your n8n data and configurations.

Deploying your n8n instance

With everything configured, you’re ready to deploy your n8n instance:

  1. Run the deployment command:

    fly deploy
  2. Fly.io will build your Docker image and deploy it to their infrastructure. This process may take a few minutes.

  3. Once completed, you can check the status of your app:

    fly status
  4. To view your application logs:

    fly logs
  5. Your n8n instance should now be accessible at https://your-app-name.fly.dev. Open this URL in your browser to access the n8n interface.

  6. If you need to make changes and redeploy, simply run fly deploy again after making your modifications.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully deployed n8n on Fly.io. In the next section, we’ll cover post-deployment configurations to optimise your n8n instance.

Post-Deployment Configuration

After successfully deploying your n8n instance on Fly.io, there are several important configurations to consider. These steps will help you secure your instance, ensure data persistence, and optionally set up a custom domain for your n8n application.

Setting up environment variables

While we’ve included some environment variables in our .env file, it’s crucial to set sensitive information directly on Fly.io for better security.

  1. Set the encryption key for n8n:

    fly secrets set N8N_ENCRYPTION_KEY=your-very-secret-key

    Replace your-very-secret-key with a strong, randomly generated string.

  2. Set the n8n user credentials:

    fly secrets set N8N_BASIC_AUTH_USER=your-username
    fly secrets set N8N_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=your-secure-password

    Replace your-username and your-secure-password with appropriate values.

  3. If you’re using external services or APIs, set those credentials:

    fly secrets set EXTERNAL_SERVICE_API_KEY=your-api-key

    Repeat this step for any additional environment variables your workflows might need.

  4. Verify your secrets:

    fly secrets list

    This command will show all set secrets without revealing their values.

Configuring persistent storage

We’ve already created a volume for persistent storage during the deployment process. However, it’s important to understand how to manage this storage:

  1. Check the status of your volume:

    fly volumes list
  2. If you need to increase the size of your volume:

    fly volumes extend n8n_data --size 10

    This example increases the volume size to 10GB.

  3. To create a backup of your data, you can use the fly ssh command to connect to your instance and copy the data. However, it’s recommended to set up a more robust backup solution for production environments.

Setting up a custom domain (optional)

If you want to use a custom domain for your n8n instance instead of the default fly.dev domain, follow these steps:

  1. Add your custom domain to Fly.io:

    fly domains add your-domain.com
  2. Fly.io will provide you with DNS records to add to your domain registrar. Add these records to your DNS configuration.

  3. Once DNS propagation is complete (which can take up to 48 hours), Fly.io will automatically provision an SSL certificate for your domain.

  4. Update your n8n configuration to use the new domain. Edit your fly.toml file and add:

      N8N_HOST = "your-domain.com"
  5. Redeploy your application to apply the changes:

    fly deploy
  6. After redeployment, your n8n instance should be accessible at your custom domain.

Remember to update any webhooks or integrations to use your new custom domain if you’ve set one up.

With these post-deployment configurations in place, your n8n instance on Fly.io is now more secure, has persistent storage configured, and optionally uses a custom domain. In the next section, we’ll discuss how to maintain and update your n8n instance on Fly.io.

Maintaining Your n8n Instance on Fly.io

Once your n8n instance is up and running on Fly.io, it’s important to maintain it properly. This section covers essential aspects of monitoring, scaling, and updating your n8n application to ensure optimal performance and security.

Monitoring your application

Keeping a close eye on your n8n instance helps you identify and address issues promptly. Fly.io provides several tools for monitoring:

  1. View application logs:
    fly logs

    This command shows real-time logs from your application, which can be crucial for troubleshooting.

  2. Check application status:
    fly status

    This provides an overview of your application’s current state, including the number of instances running and their health.

  3. Monitor resource usage:
    fly metrics

    This command displays CPU, memory, and network usage metrics for your application.

  4. Set up alerts: Configure alerts in the Fly.io dashboard to notify you of critical events or resource thresholds.

  5. Use external monitoring tools: Consider integrating third-party monitoring services like Datadog or New Relic for more comprehensive insights.

Scaling your n8n instance

As your automation needs grow, you may need to scale your n8n instance. Fly.io offers several scaling options:

  1. Vertical scaling (increasing resources):
    fly scale vm shared-cpu-1x

    This command upgrades your instance to a larger VM size. Replace shared-cpu-1x with the desired VM size.

  2. Horizontal scaling (adding more instances):
    fly scale count 2

    This scales your application to run on two instances. Adjust the number as needed.

  3. Autoscaling: Configure autoscaling in your fly.toml file:
      min_machines_running = 1
      max_machines_running = 3

    This sets a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 instances, allowing Fly.io to scale automatically based on demand.

  4. Adjust volume size if you need more storage:
    fly volumes extend n8n_data --size 20

    This increases the volume size to 20GB.

Updating n8n on Fly.io

Keeping n8n updated is crucial for security and accessing new features. Here’s how to update your n8n instance:

  1. Update the base image: Modify your Dockerfile to use the latest n8n version:
    FROM n8nio/n8n:0.xxx.0

    Replace 0.xxx.0 with the desired version number.

  2. Test locally: Before deploying, test the new version locally to ensure compatibility with your workflows:
    docker build -t n8n-test .
    docker run -p 5678:5678 n8n-test
  3. Deploy the update:
    fly deploy

    This builds and deploys the new version of your n8n instance.

  4. Monitor the update: Watch the deployment logs and check the application status after updating:
    fly logs
    fly status
  5. Rollback if necessary: If you encounter issues, you can rollback to the previous version:
    fly deploy --image-label <previous-version>

    Replace <previous-version> with the appropriate version tag.

  6. Regular updates: Set a schedule to check for n8n updates regularly, such as monthly or quarterly, depending on your needs and risk tolerance.

By following these maintenance practices, you can ensure that your n8n instance on Fly.io remains secure, performant, and up-to-date. Regular monitoring, thoughtful scaling, and timely updates will help you get the most out of your automation workflows while minimising potential issues.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with careful setup and maintenance, you may encounter issues with your n8n instance on Fly.io. This section covers some common problems and their solutions to help you quickly resolve issues and maintain a smooth-running n8n deployment.

Connection problems

If you’re experiencing difficulties connecting to your n8n instance, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check application status:
    fly status

    Ensure your application is running and healthy.

  2. Verify DNS settings: If using a custom domain, confirm that your DNS records are correctly set up.

  3. Check SSL certificate: Ensure your SSL certificate is valid and not expired.

  4. Inspect logs for errors:
    fly logs

    Look for any error messages related to connection issues.

  5. Test network connectivity:
    fly ping

    This checks the connection between your local machine and the Fly.io servers.

  6. Verify firewall settings: Ensure that your firewall or security groups are not blocking necessary ports.

  7. Restart the application:
    fly restart

    Sometimes a simple restart can resolve connection issues.

Performance issues

If your n8n instance is running slowly or experiencing high latency, consider these steps:

  1. Monitor resource usage:
    fly metrics

    Check if CPU or memory usage is consistently high.

  2. Scale up resources: If you’re hitting resource limits, consider scaling up:
    fly scale vm shared-cpu-2x

    This example upgrades to a larger VM size.

  3. Optimise workflows: Review your n8n workflows for inefficiencies. Look for unnecessary loops or API calls that could be optimised.

  4. Check database performance: If using an external database, ensure it’s properly sized and optimised.

  5. Analyse network latency: Use fly ping to check network latency between your instance and other services it interacts with.

  6. Enable caching: Implement caching mechanisms for frequently accessed data in your workflows.

  7. Review logs for bottlenecks:
    fly logs

    Look for recurring patterns or errors that might indicate performance issues.

Database problems can significantly impact n8n’s functionality. Here’s how to address common database issues:

  1. Check database connection:
    • Verify that your database connection string in the environment variables is correct.
    • Ensure the database server is running and accessible.
  2. Inspect database logs: If using an external database, check its logs for any errors or warnings.

  3. Verify database permissions: Ensure the n8n user has the necessary permissions to read, write, and modify the database.

  4. Check disk space:
    fly ssh console
    df -h

    This checks available disk space on your Fly.io instance.

  5. Backup and restore:
    • If data corruption is suspected, consider restoring from a recent backup.
    • Regularly backup your database to prevent data loss.
  6. Migrate to a more robust database: If you’re using SQLite and experiencing issues, consider migrating to PostgreSQL for better performance and reliability.

  7. Optimise database queries: Review and optimise any custom SQL queries used in your workflows.

  8. Update database drivers: Ensure you’re using the latest database drivers compatible with your n8n version.

  9. Handle database timeouts: Implement proper error handling in your workflows to manage database timeouts or connection issues gracefully.

Remember, when troubleshooting, it’s crucial to make changes systematically and one at a time. This approach helps isolate the cause of the problem and prevents introducing new issues while trying to solve existing ones.

If you’re unable to resolve an issue using these troubleshooting steps, consider seeking help from the n8n community forums or Fly.io support channels. For complex problems, it may be beneficial to engage with professional n8n consultants who can provide expert assistance tailored to your specific deployment.

Best Practices and Security Considerations

Implementing best practices and prioritising security are crucial for maintaining a robust, efficient, and safe n8n instance on Fly.io. This section outlines key considerations to enhance the security, reliability, and performance of your deployment.

Securing your n8n instance

  1. Use strong authentication:
    • Enable basic authentication by setting N8N_BASIC_AUTH_ACTIVE=true in your environment variables.
    • Use long, complex passwords for N8N_BASIC_AUTH_USER and N8N_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD.
    • Consider implementing two-factor authentication for additional security.
  2. Encrypt sensitive data:
    • Set a strong N8N_ENCRYPTION_KEY to encrypt credentials and sensitive workflow data.
    • Regularly rotate this encryption key.
  3. Implement HTTPS:
    • Ensure SSL/TLS is enabled for your Fly.io application.
    • Use a valid SSL certificate and keep it up to date.
  4. Restrict network access:
    • Use Fly.io’s private networking features to isolate your n8n instance.
    • Implement IP whitelisting if possible to restrict access to trusted IP addresses.
  5. Regular security updates:
    • Keep your n8n instance updated to the latest stable version.
    • Regularly update all dependencies and the base Docker image.
  6. Secure environment variables:
    • Use Fly.io’s secrets management to store sensitive information:
      fly secrets set MY_SECRET_KEY=value
    • Avoid storing secrets in configuration files or version control.
  7. Implement least privilege principle:
    • Grant minimal necessary permissions to your n8n instance and its associated services.
    • Regularly audit and review permissions.
  8. Enable logging and monitoring:
    • Set up comprehensive logging to track access and changes.
    • Implement alerts for suspicious activities or failed login attempts.

Backup and disaster recovery

  1. Regular backups:
    • Set up automated backups of your n8n database and configurations.
    • Use Fly.io’s volume backup feature or implement a custom backup solution.
  2. Off-site backups:
    • Store backups in a separate location from your primary deployment.
    • Consider using cloud storage services for backup retention.
  3. Backup testing:
    • Regularly test your backup restoration process to ensure data integrity.
    • Document the restoration process for quick recovery in case of emergencies.
  4. Disaster recovery plan:
    • Develop and document a comprehensive disaster recovery plan.
    • Include steps for various scenarios like data loss, service outages, or security breaches.
  5. Version control:
    • Use Git or another version control system to track changes to your n8n configurations and workflows.
    • Store your version-controlled repository in a secure, off-site location.

Performance optimisation tips

  1. Efficient workflow design:
    • Minimise unnecessary API calls and database queries in your workflows.
    • Use caching mechanisms where appropriate to reduce repetitive operations.
  2. Resource allocation:
    • Monitor resource usage and adjust Fly.io VM sizes as needed.
    • Implement auto-scaling to handle varying loads efficiently.
  3. Database optimisation:
    • If using an external database, ensure it’s properly indexed and optimised.
    • Regularly perform database maintenance tasks like vacuuming and reindexing.
  4. Caching strategies:
    • Implement Redis or a similar caching solution for frequently accessed data.
    • Use n8n’s built-in caching features for workflow results where appropriate.
  5. Asynchronous processing:
    • Utilise n8n’s queuing system for long-running or resource-intensive tasks.
    • Implement webhooks and event-driven architectures to improve responsiveness.
  6. Code optimisation:
    • Regularly review and refactor custom nodes or scripts for efficiency.
    • Use profiling tools to identify performance bottlenecks in your workflows.
  7. Load balancing:
    • If running multiple n8n instances, implement load balancing to distribute traffic evenly.
  8. Monitoring and alerting:
    • Set up comprehensive monitoring for both n8n and Fly.io resources.
    • Implement alerting for key performance metrics to proactively address issues.
  9. Regular performance audits:
    • Conduct periodic performance reviews of your n8n instance and workflows.
    • Stay informed about n8n updates and best practices for performance improvements.

By implementing these best practices and security measures, you can significantly enhance the reliability


As we wrap up this comprehensive guide on hosting n8n on Fly.io, let’s recap the key points, reflect on the benefits, and explore the next steps for your automation journey.

Recap of the hosting process

Throughout this article, we’ve covered the essential steps for deploying and maintaining n8n on Fly.io:

  1. Setting up prerequisites and preparing your local environment
  2. Configuring n8n for deployment and creating a Dockerfile
  3. Using Fly.io CLI to initialise, configure, and deploy your application
  4. Implementing post-deployment configurations for security and persistence
  5. Maintaining your n8n instance, including monitoring, scaling, and updating
  6. Troubleshooting common issues and implementing best practices

This process demonstrates how Fly.io simplifies the deployment of complex applications like n8n, allowing you to focus on building and managing your workflows rather than wrestling with infrastructure.

Benefits of running n8n on Fly.io

Hosting n8n on Fly.io offers several advantages:

  1. Global deployment: Fly.io’s distributed infrastructure allows you to run n8n closer to your users or integrated services, reducing latency.

  2. Scalability: Easily scale your n8n instance up or down based on your needs, without managing complex infrastructure.

  3. Cost-effectiveness: Fly.io’s pricing model can be more economical than traditional cloud providers, especially for smaller deployments.

  4. Simplified management: The Fly.io CLI and dashboard make it easy to deploy, monitor, and maintain your n8n instance.

  5. Customisation: Retain full control over your n8n environment, including the ability to use custom nodes and integrations.

  6. Security: Leverage Fly.io’s built-in security features and implement best practices to keep your workflows and data secure.

  7. Performance: Benefit from Fly.io’s global network and optimisation capabilities to ensure your n8n instance runs smoothly.

Next steps and further resources

To continue improving your n8n deployment on Fly.io:

  1. Explore advanced n8n features: Dive deeper into n8n’s capabilities, such as custom nodes, complex workflow design, and API integrations.

  2. Optimise your workflows: Regularly review and refine your workflows for efficiency and effectiveness.

  3. Stay updated: Keep your n8n instance and Fly.io configurations up to date with the latest versions and best practices.

  4. Engage with the community: Participate in n8n and Fly.io community forums to learn from others and share your experiences.

  5. Consider professional support: For complex deployments or specific requirements, consider engaging with n8n consultants or Fly.io support.

Further resources to enhance your knowledge:

By hosting n8n on Fly.io, you’ve taken a significant step towards creating a robust, scalable automation platform. As you continue to develop and refine your workflows, remember that the combination of n8n’s powerful automation capabilities and Fly.io’s flexible hosting solution provides a solid foundation for your business processes and integrations.

Keep exploring, experimenting, and optimising your n8n instance to unlock its full potential and drive efficiency in your operations.

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