23 Jun 2024

How to Self Host n8n

Learn the step-by-step process of self-hosting n8n, an open-source workflow automation tool. Discover the benefits, requirements, and best practices for deployment.

How to Self Host n8n

Introduction to n8n

n8n (pronounced “n-eight-n”) is a powerful and flexible workflow automation tool that’s gaining popularity among developers and businesses alike. This open-source platform allows users to create complex workflows and automate tasks across various applications and services. Let’s dive deeper into what n8n is, its benefits, and why you might consider self-hosting it.

What is n8n?

n8n is an extendable workflow automation tool that enables you to connect different services and applications to create automated workflows. It’s designed to be:

  • Open-source: The core of n8n is free and open-source, allowing for transparency and community contributions.
  • Self-hostable: You can run n8n on your own infrastructure, giving you full control over your data and workflows.
  • Node-based: Workflows in n8n are created using nodes, which represent actions or triggers from various services.
  • Extensible: You can create custom nodes to integrate with any API or service not natively supported.

n8n supports a wide range of integrations, from popular services like Google Sheets and Slack to more specialised tools, making it versatile for various automation needs.

Benefits of using n8n

n8n offers several advantages that make it an attractive choice for businesses and individuals:

  • Flexibility: Create complex workflows tailored to your specific needs without being limited by pre-built templates.
  • Data privacy: With self-hosting options, you maintain control over your data, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Cost-effective: Being open-source, n8n can be a more economical solution compared to proprietary automation platforms.
  • Customisability: Extend n8n’s functionality by creating custom nodes or modifying existing ones to suit your requirements.
  • Active community: Benefit from a growing community of users and developers who contribute to the platform’s improvement and share knowledge.
  • Visual workflow editor: Design workflows using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users.
  • Broad integration support: Connect with hundreds of services and APIs out of the box, with the ability to add more through custom nodes.

Why self-host n8n?

While n8n offers a cloud-hosted option, self-hosting provides several compelling benefits:

  1. Data control and privacy: By hosting n8n on your own infrastructure, you have complete control over your data and workflows, which is crucial for businesses dealing with sensitive information or those subject to strict data protection regulations.

  2. Customisation: Self-hosting allows for deeper customisation of the n8n environment, including the ability to modify the source code if needed.

  3. Performance: Run n8n on your own optimised hardware for potentially better performance, especially for resource-intensive workflows.

  4. Cost management: For high-volume users, self-hosting can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to cloud-based subscription models.

  5. Integration with internal systems: Self-hosting makes it easier to integrate n8n with internal systems and databases that may not be accessible from the cloud.

  6. Offline capabilities: In environments with limited or no internet access, self-hosted n8n can still function, allowing for automation of local processes.

  7. Update control: You decide when to update the n8n instance, ensuring that changes don’t disrupt critical workflows unexpectedly.

Self-hosting n8n does require more technical expertise and resources to set up and maintain, but for many organisations, the benefits outweigh these considerations. In the following sections, we’ll guide you through the process of self-hosting n8n, from prerequisites to advanced configuration.

Prerequisites for Self-Hosting n8n

Before you begin the process of self-hosting n8n, it’s essential to ensure you have the necessary hardware, software, and other requirements in place. This preparation will help ensure a smooth installation and optimal performance of your n8n instance. If you’re unsure about any of these prerequisites, consider consulting with n8n consultants who can provide expert guidance.

Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements for self-hosting n8n can vary depending on the complexity and volume of your workflows. However, here are some general recommendations:

  • CPU: A modern multi-core processor (2 cores minimum, 4 cores recommended)
  • RAM: 2 GB minimum, 4 GB or more recommended
  • Storage: 20 GB of free disk space (SSD preferred for better performance)
  • Network: A stable internet connection for accessing external services

For small to medium-sized deployments, a virtual private server (VPS) or a small cloud instance should suffice. Larger organisations with more complex workflows may need more powerful hardware or consider containerised deployments for scalability.

Software Requirements

n8n is built on Node.js and can run on various operating systems. Here are the key software requirements:

  • Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc.), macOS, or Windows
  • Node.js: Version 16 or later (18.x LTS recommended)
  • npm: Usually comes with Node.js installation
  • Database: PostgreSQL (recommended), MySQL, or SQLite
  • Git: For cloning the n8n repository and managing updates
  • Docker (optional): If you prefer containerised deployment

Additional software requirements may include:

  • Nginx or Apache: For setting up a reverse proxy
  • PM2 or systemd: For process management and autostarting n8n

Domain and SSL Certificate

While not strictly necessary for running n8n, having a domain and SSL certificate is highly recommended for production environments:

  1. Domain:
    • Register a domain or use a subdomain for your n8n instance
    • Configure DNS settings to point to your server’s IP address
  2. SSL Certificate:
    • Obtain an SSL certificate to enable HTTPS
    • You can use free options like Let’s Encrypt or purchase a certificate from a trusted provider
    • An SSL certificate is crucial for securing data transmission and maintaining the privacy of your workflows

Setting up a domain and SSL certificate adds an extra layer of security and makes it easier to access your n8n instance remotely. It’s particularly important if you plan to expose your n8n instance to the internet or if you’re dealing with sensitive data in your workflows.

By ensuring you have all these prerequisites in place, you’ll be well-prepared to proceed with the installation and configuration of your self-hosted n8n instance. In the next sections, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up your environment and installing n8n.

Preparing Your Environment

Before installing n8n, it’s crucial to set up a suitable environment. This process involves choosing a hosting provider, setting up a server, and installing the necessary dependencies. Let’s go through each step to ensure you have a solid foundation for your self-hosted n8n instance.

Choosing a hosting provider

Selecting the right hosting provider is a critical decision that can impact the performance, reliability, and cost of your n8n deployment. Consider the following factors:

  • Performance: Look for providers offering SSD storage and good CPU/RAM allocation.
  • Scalability: Ensure the provider allows easy upgrades as your needs grow.
  • Reliability: Check uptime guarantees and read reviews about the provider’s reliability.
  • Support: Consider the level of technical support offered, especially if you’re new to server management.
  • Location: Choose a data centre location that’s geographically close to your primary users for better performance.
  • Cost: Compare pricing plans, but remember that the cheapest option isn’t always the best value.

Some popular hosting providers to consider include:

  • DigitalOcean
  • Linode
  • AWS EC2
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Vultr
  • OVHcloud

Setting up a server

Once you’ve chosen a hosting provider, it’s time to set up your server. Here’s a general guide:

  1. Choose an operating system: Ubuntu Server LTS is a popular choice due to its stability and wide support.

  2. Create your server instance: Follow your hosting provider’s instructions to create a new server (often called a “droplet” or “instance”).

  3. Connect to your server: Use SSH to connect to your server. On most systems, you can use a command like:
    ssh root@your_server_ip
  4. Update your system: Once connected, update your system packages:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  5. Set up a non-root user: It’s a security best practice to avoid using the root user for daily operations:
    adduser yourusername
    usermod -aG sudo yourusername
  6. Configure firewall: Set up a basic firewall. For example, with UFW:
    sudo ufw allow OpenSSH
    sudo ufw enable
  7. Set up swap space: If your server has limited RAM, consider adding swap space:
    sudo fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
    sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
    sudo mkswap /swapfile
    sudo swapon /swapfile

Installing necessary dependencies

With your server set up, it’s time to install the software n8n depends on:

  1. Install Node.js and npm:
    curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  2. Install database (PostgreSQL recommended):
    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  3. Install Git:
    sudo apt install git
  4. Install build essentials (required for some n8n packages):
    sudo apt install build-essential
  5. Install Python (required for some n8n features):
    sudo apt install python3
  6. Install pm2 (for process management):
    sudo npm install -g pm2
  7. Install nginx (for reverse proxy):
    sudo apt install nginx

By following these steps, you’ll have a server environment that’s ready for n8n installation. In the next section, we’ll cover the different methods of installing n8n on your prepared server.

Installation Methods

After preparing your environment, you have several options for installing n8n. We’ll explore three popular methods: using Docker, manual installation, and using npm. Each method has its advantages, so choose the one that best fits your technical expertise and requirements.

Using Docker

Docker is a popular choice for deploying n8n as it simplifies the installation process and ensures consistency across different environments.

  1. Install Docker: If you haven’t already installed Docker, you can do so with these commands:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install docker.io
    sudo systemctl start docker
    sudo systemctl enable docker
  2. Pull the n8n Docker image:
    docker pull n8nio/n8n
  3. Run n8n in a Docker container:
    docker run -it --rm \
      --name n8n \
      -p 5678:5678 \
      -v ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n \

    This command runs n8n on port 5678 and stores data in the ~/.n8n directory on your host machine.

  4. Access n8n: Open your web browser and navigate to http://your_server_ip:5678 to access the n8n interface.

Using Docker allows for easy updates and consistent deployments across different environments. It’s particularly useful if you’re familiar with containerisation or plan to scale your n8n instance in the future.

Manual installation

Manual installation gives you more control over the installation process and allows for customisation.

  1. Clone the n8n repository:
    git clone https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n.git
  2. Navigate to the n8n directory:
    cd n8n
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Build n8n:
    npm run build
  5. Start n8n:
    npm run start

Manual installation is ideal for users who want to customise their n8n instance or contribute to the n8n project. However, it requires more technical knowledge and may be more complex to update.

Using npm

Installing n8n via npm is straightforward and suitable for users familiar with Node.js environments.

  1. Install n8n globally:
    npm install n8n -g
  2. Start n8n:

    This will start n8n on the default port 5678.

  3. Access n8n: Open your web browser and navigate to http://your_server_ip:5678 to access the n8n interface.

Using npm is a quick and easy way to get n8n up and running. It’s particularly useful for development environments or when you want to quickly test n8n.

Each installation method has its pros and cons:

  • Docker: Easiest to deploy and update, ideal for production environments.
  • Manual: Offers the most control and customisation options, but requires more technical knowledge.
  • npm: Quick and easy, great for testing or development, but may require additional setup for production use.

Choose the method that best aligns with your technical skills and deployment requirements. In the next section, we’ll provide a more detailed step-by-step guide for setting up and configuring your n8n instance.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

This guide will walk you through the process of installing n8n, configuring essential settings, setting up a database, and running n8n for the first time. We’ll focus on the npm installation method, as it’s a good balance between simplicity and flexibility.

Downloading n8n

  1. Ensure Node.js is installed: Verify that you have Node.js installed by running:
    node --version

    If it’s not installed, refer to the “Installing necessary dependencies” section in the previous part of this guide.

  2. Install n8n globally: Use npm to install n8n globally on your system:
    npm install n8n -g

    This command downloads and installs the latest stable version of n8n.

Configuring environment variables

Environment variables allow you to customise various aspects of your n8n installation without modifying the source code.

  1. Create an environment file: Create a new file named .env in your n8n working directory:
    nano ~/.n8n/.env
  2. Set basic configuration: Add the following lines to your .env file, adjusting values as needed:

    Replace your_server_ip with your actual server IP or domain, and generate a strong, random string for your_secret_encryption_key.

  3. Save and exit: Press Ctrl+X, then Y, then Enter to save and exit the nano editor.

Setting up a database

By default, n8n uses SQLite, but for production use, it’s recommended to use a more robust database like PostgreSQL.

  1. Install PostgreSQL (if not already installed):
    sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  2. Create a database and user for n8n:
    sudo -u postgres psql

    In the PostgreSQL prompt, run:

    CREATE USER n8nuser WITH PASSWORD 'your_password';

    Replace ‘your_password’ with a strong, unique password.

  3. Configure n8n to use PostgreSQL: Add the following lines to your .env file:

    Replace ‘your_password’ with the password you set in step 2.

Running n8n for the first time

With the configuration and database set up, you’re ready to start n8n.

  1. Start n8n: Run the following command:
    n8n start

    This command starts n8n using the configuration from your .env file.

  2. Access the n8n interface: Open a web browser and navigate to http://your_server_ip:5678. You should see the n8n welcome screen.

  3. Create an admin user: Follow the on-screen prompts to create your first admin user. This user will have full access to manage workflows and settings.

  4. Explore n8n: After creating your admin user, you’ll be taken to the n8n dashboard. Take some time to explore the interface and familiarise yourself with the available nodes and workflow options.

  5. Set up process management (optional but recommended): To keep n8n running in the background and auto-start on system reboot, you can use PM2:
    pm2 start n8n --cron-restart="0 0 * * *" -- start
    pm2 save
    pm2 startup

    This setup starts n8n, configures it to restart daily at midnight, and ensures it starts automatically when your server reboots.

By following these steps, you should now have a functioning n8n instance running on your server. In the next sections, we’ll cover how to secure your n8n installation and explore more advanced configuration options.

Securing Your n8n Instance

Security is paramount when self-hosting any application, especially one that handles workflow automations and potentially sensitive data. This section will guide you through essential steps to secure your n8n instance.

Implementing authentication

By default, n8n doesn’t require authentication to access the web interface. It’s crucial to implement authentication to prevent unauthorised access.

  1. Enable authentication: Add the following lines to your .env file:

    Replace your_username and your_strong_password with secure credentials.

  2. Use strong passwords: Ensure your admin and basic auth passwords are strong and unique. Consider using a password manager to generate and store secure passwords.

  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): n8n supports 2FA for additional security. Enable it in the n8n user settings once logged in.

Setting up HTTPS

Encrypting traffic to and from your n8n instance is crucial for protecting sensitive data.

  1. Obtain an SSL certificate: You can use Let’s Encrypt to obtain a free SSL certificate:
    sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
    sudo certbot --nginx -d your_domain.com

    Replace your_domain.com with your actual domain.

  2. Configure n8n to use HTTPS: Update your .env file:
  3. Update webhook URL: Also update the webhook URL in your .env file:
  4. Restart n8n: Restart your n8n instance to apply these changes.

Best practices for network security

Implementing additional network security measures can further protect your n8n instance:

  1. Use a reverse proxy: Set up Nginx as a reverse proxy to add an extra layer of security and enable features like rate limiting:

    server {
        server_name your_domain.com;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:5678;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        # Enable rate limiting
        limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s;
        limit_req zone=one burst=5;
        listen 443 ssl;
        ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain.com/fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain.com/privkey.pem;
  2. Configure firewall rules: Use UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) to restrict access:
    sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
    sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
    sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
    sudo ufw enable
  3. Regular updates: Keep n8n and all server software up to date to patch security vulnerabilities:
    npm update -g n8n
    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  4. Monitor logs: Regularly review n8n and server logs for any suspicious activity:
    tail -f ~/.n8n/n8n.log
  5. Implement IP whitelisting: If possible, restrict access to your n8n instance to specific IP addresses:
    location / {
        deny all;
        # Other proxy settings...
  6. Use secure connections for integrations: When setting up integrations in n8n, always use HTTPS/SSL connections where available.

  7. Regularly backup your data:

    Maintenance and Updates

Proper maintenance and regular updates are crucial for keeping your n8n instance secure, stable, and performing optimally. This section covers essential maintenance tasks, including backing up your data, updating n8n, and monitoring your instance for potential issues.

Backing up your n8n data

Regular backups are essential to prevent data loss and ensure business continuity. Here’s how to back up your n8n data:

  1. Database backup: If you’re using PostgreSQL, use the following command to create a database dump:
    pg_dump -U n8nuser -W -F t n8n > n8n_backup_$(date +%Y%m%d).tar

    This creates a timestamped backup file.

  2. Configuration backup: Back up your .env file and any custom configurations:
    cp ~/.n8n/.env ~/n8n_env_backup_$(date +%Y%m%d)
  3. Workflow backup: n8n provides a built-in export feature for workflows. Regularly export your workflows through the n8n interface.

  4. Automate backups: Create a shell script to automate these backups and schedule it with cron:
    DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
    # Database backup
    pg_dump -U n8nuser -W -F t n8n > $BACKUP_DIR/n8n_backup_$DATE.tar
    # Configuration backup
    cp ~/.n8n/.env $BACKUP_DIR/n8n_env_backup_$DATE
    # You may need to implement a method to export workflows automatically

    Schedule this script to run daily using cron:

    0 2 * * * /path/to/backup_script.sh
  5. Off-site storage: Regularly transfer your backups to an off-site location or cloud storage for added security.

Updating n8n

Keeping n8n up to date is crucial for security and to benefit from the latest features and bug fixes.

  1. Check current version:
    n8n --version
  2. Update n8n: If you installed n8n globally using npm:
    npm update -g n8n

    If you’re using Docker:

    docker pull n8nio/n8n
    docker stop n8n
    docker rm n8n
    docker run -d --name n8n -p 5678:5678 -v ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n n8nio/n8n
  3. Review changelog: Always review the changelog before updating to understand any breaking changes or new features.

  4. Test after updating: After updating, thoroughly test your workflows to ensure they still function as expected.

Monitoring and troubleshooting

Effective monitoring helps you identify and resolve issues quickly, ensuring smooth operation of your n8n instance.

  1. Log monitoring: Regularly check n8n logs for errors or warnings:
    tail -f ~/.n8n/n8n.log

    Consider using log management tools like ELK stack or Graylog for more advanced monitoring.

  2. Resource monitoring: Monitor server resources to ensure n8n has sufficient CPU, memory, and disk space:
    df -h
    free -m

    Tools like Netdata or Prometheus can provide more detailed resource monitoring.

  3. Uptime monitoring: Use services like UptimeRobot or Pingdom to monitor your n8n instance’s availability.

  4. Performance monitoring: Monitor execution times of your workflows to identify performance issues. n8n provides execution data in its interface.

  5. Error alerts: Set up email or SMS alerts for critical errors. You can achieve this by parsing logs or using monitoring tools.

  6. Troubleshooting steps: When encountering issues:
    • Check logs for error messages
    • Verify database connectivity
    • Ensure sufficient server resources
    • Test network connectivity for integrations
    • Review recent changes or updates
  7. Community support: For persistent issues, consult the n8n community forums or GitHub issues. The n8n community is often helpful in resolving complex problems.

By implementing these maintenance, update, and monitoring practices, you’ll ensure your n8n instance remains stable, secure, an

Advanced Configuration

As you become more familiar with n8n, you may want to explore advanced configuration options to optimise your instance, integrate it more deeply with your existing tools, and scale it to meet growing demands. This section covers these advanced topics to help you get the most out of your n8n deployment.

Customising n8n settings

n8n offers numerous configuration options that allow you to tailor the platform to your specific needs.

  1. Environment variables: Beyond the basic settings, n8n supports many advanced environment variables. Some useful ones include:

    • N8N_EDITOR_BASE_URL: Set a custom base URL for the editor
    • N8N_BULK_OPERATIONS_SIZE: Adjust the number of items processed in bulk operations
    • N8N_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE: Set the default timezone for your workflows


  2. Custom nodes: Create custom nodes to extend n8n’s functionality:

    • Develop nodes using TypeScript
    • Place custom nodes in the ~/.n8n/custom directory
    • Restart n8n to load custom nodes
  3. Workflow settings: Adjust global workflow settings in the n8n interface:

    • Set default error workflow
    • Configure global variables
    • Adjust execution timeout settings
  4. Database optimisation: For large deployments, consider database optimisation:

    • Implement database indexing
    • Regularly vacuum and analyse your PostgreSQL database

Integrating with other tools

n8n’s power lies in its ability to integrate with a wide range of tools and services.

  1. API integrations: Use n8n’s HTTP Request node to integrate with any RESTful API. For example, to integrate with a custom API:

    HTTP Request node:
    URL: https://api.yourdomain.com/endpoint
    Method: POST
    Headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer your_token"}
  2. Webhooks: Set up webhook nodes to receive data from external services. Ensure your n8n instance is accessible and configure the webhook URL in the external service.

  3. Database connections: Use database nodes to connect directly to your databases. For example, to connect to a PostgreSQL database:

    PostgreSQL node:
    Host: your_db_host
    Database: your_database
    User: your_username
    Password: your_password
  4. Message queues: Integrate with message queue systems like RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka for high-volume data processing.

  5. Containerisation: If using Docker, you can link n8n containers with other service containers using Docker Compose for seamless integration.

Scaling your n8n deployment

As your automation needs grow, you may need to scale your n8n deployment.

  1. Horizontal scaling: Run multiple n8n instances behind a load balancer:

    • Use a shared database for all instances
    • Configure sticky sessions on your load balancer
    • Ensure consistent environment variables across instances
  2. Vertical scaling: Increase resources for your n8n server:

    • Upgrade CPU and RAM
    • Use faster SSD storage
    • Optimise database performance
  3. Queue mode: Enable queue mode for better handling of concurrent executions:

  4. Caching: Implement Redis caching to improve performance:

  5. Monitoring and auto-scaling: Use cloud provider auto-scaling features in conjunction with monitoring tools to automatically adjust resources based on demand.

  6. Separate concerns: For large deployments, consider separating the n8n editor and execution environments:

    • Run the editor on one set of instances
    • Use separate instances for workflow executions
  7. Database scaling:


As we wrap up this comprehensive guide on self-hosting n8n, let’s review the key points, revisit the benefits of self-hosting, and explore some next steps and resources to further enhance your n8n experience.

Recap of key points

Throughout this guide, we’ve covered several crucial aspects of self-hosting n8n:

  1. Prerequisites: We discussed the necessary hardware and software requirements, including the importance of having a domain and SSL certificate.

  2. Installation methods: We explored various installation options, including Docker, manual installation, and using npm, each with its own advantages.

  3. Step-by-step setup: We provided a detailed walkthrough of the installation process, from downloading n8n to configuring environment variables and setting up a database.

  4. Security measures: We emphasised the importance of implementing authentication, setting up HTTPS, and following best practices for network security.

  5. Maintenance and updates: We covered essential tasks such as backing up data, updating n8n, and monitoring your instance for optimal performance.

  6. Advanced configuration: We delved into customising n8n settings, integrating with other tools, and scaling your deployment to meet growing demands.

Benefits of self-hosting n8n

Self-hosting n8n offers several advantages that make it an attractive option for many organisations:

  1. Data control: You have complete control over your data and workflows, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

  2. Customisation: Self-hosting allows for deeper customisation of the n8n environment, including the ability to modify the source code if needed.

  3. Performance: Running n8n on your own infrastructure can lead to better performance, especially for resource-intensive workflows.

  4. Cost management: For high-volume users, self-hosting can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to cloud-based subscription models.

  5. Integration flexibility: Self-hosting makes it easier to integrate n8n with internal systems and databases that may not be accessible from the cloud.

  6. Offline capabilities: In environments with limited internet access, self-hosted n8n can still function, allowing for automation of local processes.

  7. Update control: You have the flexibility to decide when to update your n8n instance, ensuring that changes don’t disrupt critical workflows unexpectedly.

Next steps and resources

To continue your journey with n8n and make the most of your self-hosted instance:

  1. Explore the n8n documentation: The official n8n documentation is a wealth of information on nodes, workflows, and advanced features.
  2. Join the n8n community: Engage with other n8n users to share ideas, get help, and stay updated on the latest developments.
  3. Contribute to n8n: Consider contributing to the n8n project by reporting bugs, suggesting features, or even submitting code.
  4. Create custom nodes: Extend n8n’s functionality by creating custom nodes tailored to your specific needs.
  5. Optimise your workflows: Continuously refine your workflows for better performance and efficiency.
  6. Stay updated: Keep an eye on n8n releases and update your instance regularly to benefit from new features and security improvements.
  7. Explore advanced integrations: Look into integrating n8n with more complex systems like data warehouses or AI/ML platforms to expand your automation capabilities.

  8. Get a consultant: Contact us if you’d to speak to some n8n consultants.

By self-hosting n8n, you’ve taken a significant step towards powerful, flexible, and secure workflow automation. As you continue to explore and expand your use of n8n, you’ll discover new ways to streamline your processes and boost productivity across your organisation.

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